Pilot Whale





Welcome to Pilot Whale Productions, where we draw inspiration from the ocean’s most captivating CEOs – female pilot whales!

„Why Pilot Whale Productions?“ you might ask! Allow us to share a personal tale. While vacationing on Madeira, we were fortunate enough to witness a pod of pilot whales in the open sea. Among them, a mother and her calf floated gracefully on the surface. It was a sight that etched itself into our memories forever. The mother tenderly taught her baby how to breathe, a magical moment of pure wonder and connection.

We discovered that pilot whale pods are led by females, embodying strength, wisdom, and unity. Inspired by this profound experience and the remarkable leadership of these oceanic creatures, we knew that the name „Pilot Whale Productions“ was the perfect fit for us.

Just as these remarkable leaders guide their pods with finesse, passing on their wisdom to the next generation, we’re committed to shining a spotlight on exceptional and diverse talents, both in front of and behind the camera. Our scripts aren’t just well-written; they epitomize heroic narratives, skillfully navigating the waves of storytelling excellence!

With our main focus on developing and producing international high-end series, backed by years of experience in the filmmaking business, we also excel in crafting 90-minute movies, advertisements, and short-form series as well as additional content for national and international streaming platforms.

At Pilot Whale Productions, collaborating with unique and special talents is our compass. Like the tight-knit whale squads, we believe that teamwork makes the dream work. Dive into our world, where the wisdom of our talents and the power of storytelling unite for fin-tastic entertainment.

Here, we champion a flat hierarchy, valuing every pod member as a priceless pearl in our underwater world of imagination. Respect flows as freely as ocean currents in our creative haven.

We believe in finding and supporting the most thriving and best talents because we believe that young talents are the future of our industry. Their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas drive our vision forward, shaping the landscape of tomorrow’s entertainment.

Pilot Whale Productions: Where the talent runs the show, on-screen and off, dedicated to delivering high-quality entertainment that is set on delighting audiences worldwide!

Meet the Pod

Our talented pool of fellow creatives

At Pilot Whale Productions, we believe in nurturing a family of freelance talents, and each member is a cherished piece of our creative puzzle. It’s not just collaboration; it’s a deep-sea love story among friends.

Our mantra is simple: we only work with those we trust, love and consider family.

Ready to embark on this adventure with us? Set sail now! Join our pod, and let’s bring your dreams to life with a splash of fun and a whirlpool of creativity!

If you want to collaborate with any of these talented and amazing individuals please feel free to contact them directly!

Vanessa Richter
CEO / Executive Producer
Manuel Meimberg
Showrunner / Writer
Marisa Meier
Stefanos Pantos
Unit Production Manager
Stefan Bürkner
